The new ERA Chair for isotope techniques in food quality, safety and traceability, established in Summer 2014, in Slovenia.
ISO-FOOD will enable the fusion of multidisciplinary knowledge and ideas for target-oriented research on three Pillar themes (Food authenticity, Food traceability and Food Safety) and two Horizontal themes (Metrological support and Knowledge repository).
Check the latest news about the upcoming Stakeholder workshop!
examines the labeling, ingredients, additives and methods of processing or processing, geographical origin ...
refers to the control of the source area and origin, the manner of cultivation and processing and the detection of the marketplace.
Food analysis due to the complexity presents a major challenge for analytical chemistry. This is especially true for the determination of elements and substances present in low concentrations, e.g. traces of organic pollutants, some ionic types of individual elements, radionuclides or nanoparticles. Often there are completely new methods and procedures, which are non-standardized procedures, as well as suitable certified reference materials are not available.
One of the fundamental work assemblies of ISO-FOOD is the development and updating of a food databases that will be equipped with tools for processing and managing data and information.
The new ERA Chair for isotope techniques in food quality, safety and traceability, established in Summer 2014, in Slovenia.