Oral Presentations and Posters
Bat, K., Eler, K., Mozetič Vodopivec, B., Mulič, I., Ogrinc, N. The application of isotopic and other techniques to verify the declaration of apple juices on Slovenian market. V: Heath, D. J. (Ed.), Horvat, M. (Ed.), Ogrinc, N. (Ed.). Programme and book of abstracts, 1st ISO-FOOD International Symposium on Isotopic and Other Techniques in Food Safety and Quality, Portorož, Slovenia, 1-3 April, 2019, (ISOFd Food, Safety quality traceability). Ljubljana: Jožef Stefan Institute. 2019, p. 77.
Boito, M., Iacumin, P., Ogrinc, N. An isotope analysis of the link between groundwater and milk in the Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese production area for food traceability. V: Heath, D. J. (Ed.), Horvat, M. (Ed.), Ogrinc, N. (Ed.). Programme and book of abstracts, 1st ISO-FOOD International Symposium on Isotopic and Other Techniques in Food Safety and Quality, Portorož, Slovenia, 1-3 April, 2019, (ISOFd Food, Safety quality traceability). Ljubljana: Jožef Stefan Institute. 2019, p. 57.
Boito, M., Iacumin, P., Ogrinc, N. Groundwater and milk-geographical origin in the production area of Parmigiano Reggiano : validation with the isotopic analysis. V: Topole, M. (Ed.), et al. Book of abstracts: science of the future how to stay up-tod-date with your research!, 11th Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School Students’ Conference and 13th Young Researchers’ Day, 15th and 16th May 2019, Planica, Slovenia. Ljubljana: Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School: Jožef Stefan Institute. 2019, p. 26. http://ipssc.mps.si/Proceedings/Proceedings2019.pdf.
Ćirić, A., Strojnik, L., Nečemer, M., Ženko, B., Ogrinc, N. Determination of geographical origin of different fruit and vegetables using stable isotope ratio mass spectrometry and element analysis. V: Heath, D. J. (Ed.), Horvat, M. (Ed.), Ogrinc, N. (Ed.). Programme and book of abstracts, 1st ISO-FOOD International Symposium on Isotopic and Other Techniques in Food Safety and Quality, Portorož, Slovenia, 1-3 April, 2019, (ISOFd Food, Safety quality traceability). Ljubljana: Jožef Stefan Institute. 2019, p. 59.
Ćirić, A., Strojnik, L., Ogrinc, N. Optimization ultrasound-assisted method for extraction bioactive compounds from garlic (Allium sativum) sample using response surface methodology. V: Heath, D. J. (Ed.), Horvat, M. (Ed.), Ogrinc, N. (Ed.). Programme and book of abstracts, 1st ISO-FOOD International Symposium on Isotopic and Other Techniques in Food Safety and Quality, Portorož, Slovenia, 1-3 April, 2019, (ISOFd Food, Safety quality traceability). Ljubljana: Jožef Stefan Institute. 2019, p. 65.
Golubović, J., Heath, E., Košir, I. J., Heath, D. J. Comparison of organic and conventional beer in view of the content of the selected phytoestrogens. V: Heath, D. J. (Ed.), Horvat, M. (Ed.), Ogrinc, N. (Ed.). Programme and book of abstracts, 1st ISO-FOOD International Symposium on Isotopic and Other Techniques in Food Safety and Quality, Piran, Slovenia, April 1-3, 2019, (ISOFd Food, Safety quality traceability). Ljubljana: Jožef Stefan Institute. 2019, p. 37.
Grebec, T., Strojnik, L., Seljak, T., Krajnc, B., Unuk, T., Ogrinc, N. Tractability and quality control in commercial truffles (Tuber spp.) : a need or an unachievable aim?. V: Heath, D. J. (Ed.), Horvat, M. (Ed.), Ogrinc, N. (Ed.). Programme and book of abstracts, 1st ISO-FOOD International Symposium on Isotopic and Other Techniques in Food Safety and Quality, Portorož, Slovenia, 1-3 April, 2019, (ISOFd Food, Safety quality traceability). Ljubljana: Jožef Stefan Institute. 2019, p. 38.
Hamzić Gregorčič, S., Zuliani, T., Ogrinc, N. Strontium isotope ratio used as provenance indicator for milk samples from different regions in Slovenia. V: Book of abstracts, European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry, Pau, Feb. 3-8, 2019. Pau, France, 2019, p. 392.
Hamzić Gregorčič, S., Ogrinc, N., Zuliani, T. Provenance of milk samples from different regions in Slovenia : strontium stable isotope ratios. V: Topole, M. (Ed.), et al. : Book of abstracts: science of the future how to stay up-tod-date with your research!, 11th Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School Students’ Conference and 13th Young Researchers’ Day, 15th and 16th May 2019, Planica, Slovenia. Ljubljana: Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School: Jožef Stefan Institute. 2019, str. 28. http://ipssc.mps.si/Proceedings/Proceedings2019.pdf.
Heath, E., Česen, M., Lenarčič, K., Mislej, V., Stražar, M., Sollner Dolenc, M., Kovačič, A., Blažnik, U., Lambropoulou, D. A., Laimou-Geraniou, M., Snoj Tratnik, J., Horvat, M., Mazej, D., Heath, D. J., Kosjek, T. Bisphenols in the environment, food and biological fluids. V: Xenowac II, Challenges and Solutions related to Xenobiotics and Antimicrobial Resistance in the Framework of Urban Wastewater Reuse: towards a blue circle society: 10-12 October 2018, Limassol, Cyprus. Nicosia: University of Cyprus. 2019.
Ispirova, G., Eftimov, T., Korousic-Seljak, B. Missing data imputation methods for food composition data. At 1st ISO-FOOD International Symposium on Isotopic and Other Techniques in Food Saftey and Quality.
Ispirova, G., Eftimov, T., Korousic-Seljak, B. Importance of complete food composition databases and computer methods for dealing with missing food composition data. Abstract book: Annual Meeting of the International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 4-7 June , 2019, Prague Czech Republic.
Jagodic, M., Snoj Tratnik, J., Potočnik, D., Mazej, D., Ogrinc, N., Horvat, M. Dietary habits of Slovenian mothers and breast milk fatty acid composition : comparison of inland and coastal areas. V: Heath, D. J. (Ed.), Horvat, M. (Ed.), Ogrinc, N. (Ed.). Programme and book of abstracts, 1st ISO-FOOD International Symposium on Isotopic and Other Techniques in Food Safety and Quality, Portorož, Slovenia, 1-3 April, 2019, (ISOFd Food, Safety quality traceability). Ljubljana: Jožef Stefan Institute. 2019, p. 75.
Jagodic, M., Snoj Tratnik, J., Potočnik, D., Mazej, D., Eftimov, T., Ogrinc, N., Horvat, M. Maternal dietary habits, levels of selected elements and fatty acids composition in human milk from coastal and inland areas of Slovenia. V: Book of abstracts, European Winter Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry, Pau, Feb. 3-8, 2019. Pau: [s. n.]. 2019, p. 424. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YaOVi8eYaJaEfRDNr0tmK_8ol8IE1H55/view.
Kelly, S., Camin, F., Ogrinc, N., Cannavan, A., Schimmelmann, A. The missing food-matrix stable isotope reference materials. V: European Geosciences Union, General Assembly 2019, Vienna, Austria, 7-12 April 2019, (Geophysical research abstracts, ISSN 1607-7962, Vol. 21). München: European Geosciences Union. 2019, https://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2019/EGU2019-19000.pdf.
Kovačič, A., Heath, E., Gys, C., Kosjek, T., Covaci, A., Heath, D. J. Migration of bisphenol and their derivatives from food contact material by the target and untargeted analyses. V: Heath, D. J.n (Ed.), Horvat, M. (Ed.), Ogrinc, N. (Ed.). Programme and book of abstracts, 1st ISO-FOOD International Symposium on Isotopic and Other Techniques in Food Safety and Quality, Portorož, Slovenia, April 1-3, 2019, (ISOFd Food, Safety quality traceability). Ljubljana: Jožef Stefan Institute. 2019, p. 66.
Korošec, M., Slemc, L., Ogrinc, N. Potential of stable carbon isotope analysis for compliance checking of corn mixed bread. V: Heath, D. J.n (Ed.), Horvat, M. (Ed.), Ogrinc, N. (Ed.). Programme and book of abstracts, 1st ISO-FOOD International Symposium on Isotopic and Other Techniques in Food Safety and Quality, Portorož, Slovenia, 1-3 April, 2019, (ISOFd Food, Safety quality traceability). Ljubljana: Jožef Stefan Institute. 2019, p. 61,
Krajnc, B., Nečemer, M., Camin, F., Vogel-Mikuš, K., Hamzić Gregorčič, S., Strojnik, L., Ogrinc, N. Characterization of truffles (Tuber sp.) in Slovenia using stable isotope approach and elemental composition. V: Heath, D. J.n (Ed.), Horvat, M. (Ed.), Ogrinc, N. (Ed.). Programme and book of abstracts, 1st ISO-FOOD International Symposium on Isotopic and Other Techniques in Food Safety and Quality, Portorož, Slovenia, 1-3 April, 2019, (ISOFd Food, Safety quality traceability). Ljubljana: Jožef Stefan Institute. 2019, p. 54.
Marco, C., Stenni, B., Camin, F., Bontempo, L., Baldini, M., Ogrinc, N., Zuliani, T., Guarnaccia, P., Turetta, C. On the traces of the Cannabis sativa. V: Heath, D. J.n (Ed.), Horvat, M. (Ed.), Ogrinc, N. (Ed.). Programme and book of abstracts, 1st ISO-FOOD International Symposium on Isotopic and Other Techniques in Food Safety and Quality, Portorož, Slovenia, 1-3 April, 2019, (ISOFd Food, Safety quality traceability). Ljubljana: Jožef Stefan Institute. 2019, p. 53.
Masten, J., Jagodic, M., Strojnik, L., Nečemer, M., Vogel-Mikuš, K., Ogrinc, N. Characterization of Spirulina food supplements from Slovenian market through element composition and stable isotope ratio of light elements. V: Heath, D. J.n (Ed.), Horvat, M. (Ed.), Ogrinc, N. (Ed.). Programme and book of abstracts, 1st ISO-FOOD International Symposium on Isotopic and Other Techniques in Food Safety and Quality, Portorož, Slovenia, 1-3 April, 2019, (ISOFd Food, Safety quality traceability). Ljubljana: Jožef Stefan Institute. 2019, p. 60.
Masten, J., Cillero-Pastor, B., Mohren, R., Ogrinc, N., Jamnik, P. Effect of yeast cells exposure to fermented Spirulina on their protein profile : characterization of yeast lysates using high resolution Orbitrap mass spectrometry. V: Heath, D. J.n (Ed.), Horvat, M. (Ed.), Ogrinc, N. (Ed.). Programme and book of abstracts, 1st ISO-FOOD International Symposium on Isotopic and Other Techniques in Food Safety and Quality, Portorož, Slovenia, 1-3 April, 2019, (ISOFd Food, Safety quality traceability). Ljubljana: Jožef Stefan Institute. 2019, p. 74-75,
Masten, J., Ogrinc, N. Total amino acid and fatty acid composition of Spirulina (Arthrospira spp.) food supplements from the Slovenian market. V: 2nd Food Chemistry Conference: shaping the future of food quality, safety, nutrition and health, 17-19 September 2019, Seville, Spain.
Masten, J., Strojnik, L., Jagodic, M., Nečemer, M., Vogel-Mikuš, K., Ogrinc, N. Analysis of element composition and stable isotope ratios of light elements for characterization of Spirulina food supplements from Slovenian market. V: Topole, M. (Ed.), et al. Book of abstract: science of the future how to stay up-tod-date with your research!, 11th Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School Students’ Conference and 13th Young Researchers’ Day, 15th and 16th May 2019, Planica, Slovenia. Ljubljana: Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School: Jožef Stefan Institute. 2019, p. 17. http://ipssc.mps.si/Proceedings/Proceedings2019.pdf.
Mrzlikar, M., Heath, D. J., Heath, E., Markelj, J., Prosen, H. Determination of neonicotinoid pesticides in Slovenian honey: [oral presentation]. V: Heath, D. J. (Ed.), Horvat, M. (Ed.), Ogrinc, N. (Ed.). Programme and book of abstracts, 1st ISO-FOOD International Symposium on Isotopic and Other Techniques in Food Safety and Quality, Portorož, Slovenia, April 1-3, 2019, (ISOFd Food, Safety quality traceability). Ljubljana: Jožef Stefan Institute. 2019, 41-42.
Ocvirk, M., Košir, I. J., Nečemer, M., Ogrinc, N. Authentication of the geographical origin of hops (Humulus lupulus L.). V: Heath, D. J. (Ed.), Horvat, M. (Ed.), Ogrinc, N. (Ed.). Programme and book of abstracts, 1st ISO-FOOD International Symposium on Isotopic and Other Techniques in Food Safety and Quality, Portorož, Slovenia, 1-3 April, 2019, (ISOFd Food, Safety quality traceability). Ljubljana: Jožef Stefan Institute. 2019, p. 37.
Ogrinc, N., Ćirić, A., Potočnik, D., Strojnik, L. Compound specific isotope analysis in food authenticity (INVITED LECTURE). V: Heath, D. J. (Ed.), Horvat, M. (Ed.), Ogrinc, N. (Ed.). Programme and book of abstracts, 1st ISO-FOOD International Symposium on Isotopic and Other Techniques in Food Safety and Quality, Portorož, Slovenia, 1-3 April, 2019, (ISOFd Food, Safety quality traceability). Ljubljana: Jožef Stefan Institute. 2019, p. 27.
Ogrinc, N., Schimmelmann, A., Camin, F., Potočnik, D., Haping, Q., Kelly, S. Development of new stable isotope reference materials for food authentication and traceability. V: Alexandre, J. (Ed.), Janssens, S. (Ed.), Van Loco, J. (Ed.). Book ob abstracts: metrology supporting emerging food topics, Sannio: University of Sannio. 2019, p. 70.
Potočnik, D., Ćirić, A., Ogrinc, N. Comparison of new developed non-esterification with standard method for determination fatty acids in milk sample. V: Heath, D. J. (Ed.), Horvat, M. (Ed.), Ogrinc, N. (Ed.). Programme and book of abstracts, 1st ISO-FOOD International Symposium on Isotopic and Other Techniques in Food Safety and Quality, Portorož, Slovenia, 1-3 April, 2019, (ISOFd Food, Safety quality traceability). Ljubljana: Jožef Stefan Institute. 2019, p. 65.
Potočnik, D., Ogrinc, N., Camin, F., Haping, Q., Kelly, S., Schimmelmann, A. Development of new food matrix reference materials for stable isotope analysis. V: 7th Conference of the Forensic Isotope Ratio Mass Spectroscopy Network, 16-19 September 2019, San Michele al’Adige, Italy.
Schimmelmann, A., Camin, F., Kelly, S., Ogrinc, N. Development of honey, vegetable oil, flour, and collagen stable isotope reference materials (INVITED LECTURE). V: Heath, D. J. (Ed.), Horvat, M. (Ed.), Ogrinc, N. (Ed.). Programme and book of abstracts, 1st ISO-FOOD International Symposium on Isotopic and Other Techniques in Food Safety and Quality, Portorož, Slovenia, 1-3 April, 2019, (ISOFd Food, Safety quality traceability). Ljubljana: Jožef Stefan Institute. 2019, p. 31.
Sinkovič, L., Nečemer, M., Ogrinc, N., Meglič, V. Parameters for discrimination between organic and conventional production: a case study for chicory (Cichorium intybus L.). V: Heath, D. J. (Ed.), Horvat, M. (Ed.), Ogrinc, N. (Ed.). Programme and book of abstracts, 1st ISO-FOOD International Symposium on Isotopic and Other Techniques in Food Safety and Quality, Portorož, Slovenia, 1-3 April, 2019, (ISOFd Food, Safety quality traceability). Ljubljana: Jožef Stefan Institute. 2019, p. 62-63.
Sollner Dolenc, M., Roškar, R., Heath, E., Tišler, T.. Bisphenols in an aqueous environment and their effects. In: Šömen Joksić, A. (Ed.), Bačnik, A. (Ed.), Bažec, B. (Ed.). Safe handling of dangerous waste for the safeworking environment: [Book of extended abstracts], 10. Meeting Chemical safety for everybody,Laško, 23. in 24. October 2018. Ljubljana: National Institute for Health Protection. 2019, p. 24-26
Strojnik, L., Camin, F., Ogrinc, N. Evaluation of δ13C and δ2H values using GC-IRMS with SPME method for authenticity studies: enough or too much? V: 2nd Food Chemistry Conference: shaping the future of food quality, safety, nutrition and health, 17-19 September 2019, Seville, Spain.
Strojnik, L., Grebenc, T., Ogrinc, N. Investigation of truffle aroma compounds : can we differentiate between different species?. V: Heath, D. J. (Ed.), Horvat, M. (Ed.), Ogrinc, N. (Ed.). Programme and book of abstracts, 1st ISO-FOOD International Symposium on Isotopic and Other Techniques in Food Safety and Quality, Portorož, Slovenia, 1-3 April, 2019, (ISOFd Food, Safety quality traceability). Ljubljana: Jožef Stefan Institute. 2019, p. 38.
Strojnik, L., Perini, M., Pianezze, S., Camin, F., Ogrinc, N. Using stable isotope databases for authenticity assessment of commercial flavoured products. V: Heath, D. J. (Ed.), Horvat, M. (Ed.), Ogrinc, N. (Ed.). Programme and book of abstracts, 1st ISO-FOOD International Symposium on Isotopic and Other Techniques in Food Safety and Quality, Portorož, Slovenia, 1-3 April, 2019, (ISOFd Food, Safety quality traceability). Ljubljana: Jožef Stefan Institute. 2019, p. 62.
Strojnik, L., Hladnik, J., Weber, N., Koron, D., Stopar, M., Zlatić, E., Kokalj, D., Naglič Gril, M., Ogrinc, N. How to establish stable isotope databases for authenticity assessment of aromas. V: Heath, D. J. (Ed.), Horvat, M. (Ed.), Ogrinc, N. (Ed.). Programme and book of abstracts, 1st ISO-FOOD International Symposium on Isotopic and Other Techniques in Food Safety and Quality, Portorož, Slovenia, 1-3 April, 2019, (ISOFd Food, Safety quality traceability). Ljubljana: Jožef Stefan Institute. 2019, p. 62,
Strojnik, L., Hladnik, J., Weber, N., Koron, D., Stopar, M., Zlatić, E., Kokalj, D., Naglič Gril, M., Grebenc, T., Perini, M., Pianezze, S., Camin, F. Ogrinc, N. Analytical technique sniffs out aroma frauds. V: Topole, M. (Ed.), et al. Book of abstracts: science of the future how to stay up-tod-date with your research! 11th Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School Students’ Conference and 13th Young Researchers’ Day, 15th and 16th May 2019, Planica, Slovenia. Ljubljana: Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School: Jožef Stefan Institute. 2019, p. 19. http://ipssc.mps.si/Proceedings/Proceedings2019.pdf.
Škufca, D., Prosenc, F., Levart Kovačič, A., Pflieger, M., Kosjek, T., Griessler Bulc, T., Heath, E. Removal of bisphenols in lab-scale algal bioreactors. V: Dežman, M. (Ed.), et al. Book of abstracts: the science of the future how to stay up-to-date with your research!, 11th Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School Students’ Conference and 13th Young Researchers’ Day, 15th and 16th May 2019, Planica, Slovenia. Ljubljana: Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School: Jožef Stefan Institute. 2019, p. 29.
Škufca, D., Prosenc, F., KOVAČIČ, Ana, PFLIEGER, Maryline, KOSJEK, Škufca, D., Prosenc, F., Levart Kovačič, A., Pflieger, M., Kosjek, T., Griessler Bulc, T., Heath, E. Bisphenols removal in algal wastewater treatment bioreactors: future prospects of product reuse. V: Heath, D. J. (Ed.), Horvat, M. (Ed.), Ogrinc, N. (Ed.). Programme and book of abstracts, 1st ISO-FOOD International Symposium on Isotopic and Other Techniques in Food Safety and Quality, Portorož, Slovenia, April 1-3, 2019, (ISOFd Food, Safety quality traceability). Ljubljana: Jožef Stefan Institute. 2019, p. 66.
Vidmar, J., Lopéz-Sanz, S., Devoille, L., Noireaux, J., Correia, M., Loeschner, K. Analysis of titanium dioxide nanoparticles in food by ICP-MS/MS in single particle mode. V: Heath, D. J. (Ed.), Horvat, M. (Ed.), Ogrinc, N. (Ed.). Programme and book of abstracts, 1st ISO-FOOD International Symposium on Isotopic and Other Techniques in Food Safety and Quality, Portorož, Slovenia, April 1-3, 2019, (ISOFd Food, Safety quality traceability). Ljubljana: Jožef Stefan Institute. 2019, p.72.
Zuliani, T., Kanduč, T., Vreča, P. Characterisation of bottled waters by stable isotope and multi-elemental analysis. V: Heath, D. J. (Ed.), Horvat, M. (Ed.), Ogrinc, N. (Ed.). Programme and book of abstracts, 1st ISO-FOOD International Symposium on Isotopic and Other Techniques in Food Safety and Quality, 1.-3. April 2019, Piran, Slovenia.
Eftimov, T., Ispirova, G., Korosec, P., Korousic-Seljak, B. The RICHFIELDS Framework for Semantic Interoperability of Food Information Across Heterogenous Information Systems. In KDIR (pp. 313-320).
Ispirova, G., Eftimov, T., Korošec, P., Koroušić-Seljak, B.. Computer-supported borrowing of missing nutrient values in food composition databases: presented at EuroFIR Food Forum, April 10-12, 2018, Brussels, Belgium.
Ispirova, G., Eftimov, T., Koroušić-Seljak, B., Korošec, P. A semi – automatic approach for borrowing missing nutrient values in food composition databases. Proceedings, Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School Students’ Conference and 12th Young Researchers’ Day, May 10-11, 2018, Piran, Slovenia. Ljubljana, pp. 37.
Strojnik, L., Ogrinc, N. Authenticity assessment of apple and strawberry key aroma compounds with gas chromatography-combustion isotope ratio mass spectrometry (GC-CIRMS) analysis.
Drame, A., Novak, S., Lorenzetti, M., Drnovšek, N. A method for detection of TiO2 nanoparticle presence in food based on colorimetric assays.
Strojnik, L., Ogrinc, N. Optimization of HS-SPME method coupled with GC-MSD and GC-IRMS for authentication of apple aroma compounds.
Potočnik, D., Eftimov, T., Ogrinc, N. Differentiation of Slovenian milk based on the content and carbon isotope composition of fatty acids.
Mahne Opatić, A., Nečemer, M.n, Lojen, S., Masten, J., Zlatić, E., Šircelj, H., Stopar, D., Vidrih, R. A preliminary traceability model for tomato using analysis of stable isotopes, elemental content and chemical markers.
Hamzić Gregorčič, S., Potočnik, D., Camin, F., Ogrinc, N. Stable isotope oxygen composition of slovenian milk and possible use of lactose as an internal standard to detect milk adulteration with water.
Mahne Opatić, A., Nečemer, M., Budič, B., Lojen, S.. Chemical profiling and stable isotope analysis to differentiate the origin of potato at the scale of Slovenia.
Mrzlikar, M., Heath, D. J., Heath, E., Markelj, J., Prosen, H.Analysis of neonicotinoid pesticides in honey.
Mahne Opatić, A., Nečemer, M., Budič, B., Lojen, S. Geographical authentication of potato using multi-elemental fingerprint and stable isotope ratio analysis.
Ogrinc, N., Heath, D. J.. Isotopic techniques and their applications in environmental and food research
Heath E., Kosjek, T., Heath D. PCBs, Dioxins, and Furans in Fish Commonly Available on the Slovene Market.
Benedik, L., Trdin, M. Analysis of actinides in the insoluble residues after decomposition by various techniques.
Rovan, L., Benedik, L., Prosen, H., Jeran, Z., Faganeli, Jadran, F., I. Distribution of Po-210 in the fish tissues from the Gulf of Trieste (Northern Adriatic Sea).
Strojnik, L., Ogrinc, N. Optimization of headspace sampling using Solid-Phase Microextraction (SPME) for analysis of apple aroma compounds.
Potočnik, D., Nečemer, M., Jagodic, M., Mazej, D., Ogrinc, N. Stable isotope and elemental characterization of Slovenian milk.
Kranjc, E., Mazej, D., Regvar, M., Milačič, R., Horvat, M., Drobne, D., Remškar, M. Comparison of Arugula ( Eruca sativa Mill.) and escarole ( Cichorium endivia L.) interactions with foliar- and root-applied platinum nanoparticles.
Drame, A., Novak, S., Lorenzetti, M. Colorimetric assay for TiO2 nano particles detection in complex matrices as food samples.
Eftimov, T., Korošec, P., Koroušić Seljak, B. Synergy of Natural Language Processing and Statistics to explore Food- and Nutrition-related Data and Knowledge.
Eftimov, T., Korošec, P., Koroušić Seljak, B., Roe, M., Turrini, A., Finglas, P. Matching foods from EuroFIR databases to FoodEx by using a semi-automatic system for classifying and describing foods.
Eftimov, T., Koroušić Seljak, B., Korošec, P., 2016, Grammar- and dictionary-based named entity linking for knowledge extraction of evidence-based dietary recommendations.
Eftimov, T., Korošec, P., Koroušić Seljak, B., 2016, Knowledge extraction on evidence-based dietary recommendations.
Kranjc, E., Remškar, M., Drobne, D., Novak, S., 2016, Comparison of internalization and translocation of platinum nanoparticles in arugula (Eruca sativa Mill.) and escarole (Circhorium endivia L.) salad greens Preliminary results.
Kroflič, A., Jerše, A., Kacjan Maršić, N., Germ, M., Šircelj, H., Stibilj, V., 2016, Selenium and its compounds in selenium and iodine enriched pea sprouts.
Mahne Opatić, A., Nečemer, M., Kacjan Maršić, N., Šink, N., Perko, T., Lojen, S., 2016, Organic versus conventional – Can δ15N be used as an indicating parameter in garlic, sweet pepper and carrot?.
Mahne Opatić, A., Nečemer, M., Lojen, S., 2016, Preliminary study: Geographical origin of Slovenian garlic and potato.
Potočnik, D., Nečemer, M., Ogrinc, N., 2016, Discrimination between Slovenian cow, goat, and sheep milk and cheese based on elemental and stable isotope composition.
Česen, M., Laimou-Geraniou, M., Kosjek, M., Blaznik, U., Lambropolou, D., Heath, E., Heath, D., 2015, Determination of Bisphenols in Honey.
Drame, A., Lorenzetti, M., Novak, S., Žnidaršič Plazl, P., 2015, Extraction and caracterization of TiO2 nanoparticles in chewing gums.
Eftimov, T., Koroušić Seljak, B., 2015, POST-probability weighted method for matching the Internet recipe ingredients with food composition data.
Laimou-Geraniou, M., Heath, D., Kosjek, T., Žigon, D., Česen, M., Lambropolou, D., Heath, E., 2015, Determination of Bisphenol A and its Analogues in Honey.
Lorenzetti, M., Novak, S., 2015, E171 as ingredient for cake decorations: physico-chemical characterisation of titania (nano)particles.
Ogrinc, N., Bučar Miklavčič, M., Casiello, G., Longobardi, F., 2015, Determination of geographical origin and authenticity of olive oil using stable isotope approach.
Ogrinc, N., Potočnik, D., Mazej, D., Nečemer, M., Heath, D., 2015, Characterization of Slovenian milk and dairy products using elemental composition and stable isotopes.
Ogrinc, N., Lojen, S., Horvat, M., Benedik, L., Jaćimović, R., Koroušić Seljak, B., Kosjek, T., Milačič, R., Novak, S., Remškar, M., Ščančar, J., Vreča, P., Heath, D., 2014, ERA Chair “ISO-FOOD” Isotope techniques in food quality, safety, security and traceability.