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First Congress Ambassadors of Slovenia awarded!

Prof.dr. Nives Ogrinc was awarded honorary title of the Congress Ambassador of Slovenia!

Twenty-five awarded individuals included doctors, scientists, professors, researchers and other experts in various fields who have contributed to the internationalization of Slovenia on the meetings industry’s stage. Slovenian Ambassadors Program was this year launched by the Slovenian Convention Bureau in collaboration with the Slovenian Tourist Board, the Ljubljana Convention Bureau at Ljubljana Tourism, and sixteen joining partners. The program is intended to acknowledge and honour the individuals able to successfully host many international congresses and other business events in Slovenia.

Condition for being nominated into the title of the Congress Ambassador of Slovenia 2019 was an organisation of scientific-professional or business event with a minimum of 100 attendees and at least a half international participation. Into account were taken the events that took place in the period between 2014 and 2018. Priority went to events of regional, European, and international or global associations that have brought to Slovenia as large international participation as possible or were of exceptional international importance.


Prof.dr. Nives Ogrinc obtained the award for the organization of the the 22nd International Symposium on Environmental Biogeochemistry (ISEB), which was held in Piran in 2015.

Some links:

Kongresni urad Slovenije: http://bit.ly/2QinJx3

Slovenska turistična organizacija: https://bit.ly/2pkL5am

Revija Kongres: https://bit.ly/37dlHEP

STA: https://bit.ly/2Qnw2Ii




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